До Кьолн за уикенд

Катедрала, вурстчета и бира - това бяха трите неща, които изникваха в съзнанието ми при мисълта за Кьолн. Оказа се, че познанията ми са били доста бегли, но благодарение на познат, който живее там, нещата се промениха. Опитахме сурова кайма (не питайте), пихме местна бира, запознахме се с част от нощния живот и за кратко успяхме да уловим атмосферата на града през тези 3 дни... 

Първа спирка беше катедралата, която се виждаше от всяко кътче на Кьолн. Огромна и масивна постройка се извисяваше над главите ни и нито фотоапарат, нито телефон беше в състояние да я хване цялата в кадър. Строежът се е проточил с векове, а до 1884г. е била най-високата сграда в света. През II СВ целият град е бил разрушен, единствено катедралата била оставена като ориентир за самолетите. Кулата на катедралата беше отворена за посещение до 16ч, затова я оставихме за следващия ден. 

Вечерта се разходихме по търговската улица, купихме си бретцели и направихме нощни снимки покрай реката. 

На следващия ден изкачихме кулата, до чийто връх се вие стълба с над 500 стъпала. Беше доста тесничко и по едно време ни се зави свят, но си заслужаваше, заради гледката. 

След това посетихме стария град, където са запазени традиционните къщи. Някога са се строили тесни и високи, тъй като данъкът за тях е бил по-малък. Германските кръчми тук са разположени една до друга, а почти на всеки ъгъл се предлагат къри вурстчета и пържени картофи. Местната бира се казва Кьолш (Kölsch) и се произвежда само в района на Кьолн. На мен лично много ми допадна – лека и пивка е. 

Малко интересни факти за Кьолн – населението на града е около 1 милион. Бил е разделен на две части, където са живеели римляни от едната и варвари от другата страна на реката Рейн. Патронът на града е св. Урсула, а на герба са изобразени 11 нейни сълзи. За партита и събития ми препоръчаха белгийския квартал, където има арт магазини, заведения и барове. Кръчмата, в която опитах сурова кайма върху хлебче, се казваше Brauhaus Pütz. Препоръчвам я за автентично немско изживяване. 

Посетихме и музея на шоколада. Били ли сте в Кьолн? Хареса ли Ви градът?


  1. Wow! That cathedral is huuuge and so beautiful! :) How cool that you have a friend from Cologne! I've never been there. Well, I've never been in Germany (can you believe it?), only at Munich and Frankfurt airports. Cologne looks like so much fun and perfect for a quick weekend trip. Love those colorful houses and the nocturnal view is breathtaking! I'm sure I would enjoy it there :) Raw meat? You are very, very brave girl :D :D Can't wait to see the Chocolate museum ;)
    Enjoy the weekend!

    1. I believe it. I have only been in Berlin once for a couple of hours, so I was happy to visit Germany again. Haha, I don't think eating raw meat counts as a brave act, but thank you Tijana!

  2. I think there is always an advantage to visiting someplace new when you have a friend who is local to show you around and give you tips. Cologne looks like a beautiful city. The cobblestoned streets and architecture are so charming. And that cathedral is stunning both inside and out. All those steps you climbed were definitely worth it for that amazing night time view. We were watching Blindspot last night and they had to got to Sofia to rescue someone and I was excited and thought of you :) They showed some nice shots of the city! Thought you'd want to know. Happy weekend dear Sany!

    1. You are so right, I was really happy to meet my friend in Cologne. Thanks to him I saw things I might have missed. Oh, that's so nice of you, Rowena! I am very happy that you thought of me when you saw some shots of my city:)

  3. Анонимен22/10/16

    Интересен град. Типична немска култура и архитектура. О

  4. Анонимен22/10/16

    Why didn't you stop by in Luxembourg?

  5. This was such a fantastic travel diary to read, and especially because I'm already such a MASSIVE fan of Cologne! I've been visiting the city every Christmas (early December) with family for the Christmas markets :) This post has made me even more excited to be returning soon! I love your outfit for the trip, this light blue scarf really suits you :)


    1. Glad you enjoyed reading this post, Gabrielle. I am already a fan of Cologne too:)

  6. Hello Stanislava,
    Looks like you had really old there in Cologne.
    Here in Tunisia it s still summer.25° to 30°.
    But the city is so beautiful, the cathedrals and the monuments are just amazing.
    Thanks for the escape.
    Enjoy your weekend!

    1. How lucky you are to have temperatures like this! Thank you for your comment, Helena!

  7. I haven't been to Cologne, or Germany for that matter, but it looks like an amazing city. The cathedral is stunning and you did well to walk all the way to the top! Here's hoping I'll be able to visit one day :) x

  8. Hello Sany! Never been there but Id like so much, I see u ate and drunk well, that beer inspires me a lot! I dont eat meat but when I was a child I loved wurst, was my fave dish:) Btw, the pics are dreaming and u look stunning, I see u are bright and happy! Happy Sunday Sany, hugs! xo

    1. The beer was soo delicious, I am sure you'd have enjoyed it:) Yeah, wursts are very delicious. Thank you for your compliments, Lilli!

  9. You're very lucky to have a friend who can show you around so you can have the best experience during your stay. Any idea why the construction on the cathedral is ongoing for centuries? And I love how adventurous you are in eating the raw pork, I'm not sure I'm able to do it.

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    1. Because it is huge, Shireen, H U G E! Well, not really sure this is the reason... Haha, I don't find eating raw pork acventurous, but it seems it looks like this:)

  10. Hi Sany! I really love your post from Cologne - I've never visited this city, but I've been in Berlin and in some point Cologne reminds me capital of Germany ;) What's more, I think that I'm not the only person here who is impressed by terrific architecture of cathedral - it was so interesting to get to know that this building surrvived during Second World War. What's more, the curry wurst sounds so delicious, you made me hungry, ha :D
    Have a lovely evening, dear Sany!


    1. Glad to hear you liked this post, Ivonne! Berlin is kind of different, although I have been there only for a couple of hours 3 years ago.


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