Замъкът в Равадиново

През изминалата седмица пътувах със сестра си и едно от местата, които посетихме, беше замъкът "Влюбен във вятъра" в Равадиново. Разположението му е точно на 5мин от Созопол, а идеята му е да те накара да се почувстваш като в приказка. На входа ще те посрещне средновековен рицар, пауни, гордо разхождащи се в своята окраска, много зеленина, палмови дръвчета, цветя и невероятна гледка към замъка.

Строежът на замъка започва преди 20 години и продължава и до днес. Поради липса на средства, върви бавно, но се приемат дарения, с които да се задвижи по-бъразо процесът. Самата сграда е построена от камък, който отразява слънчевата светлина по различен начин в зависимост от частите на деня. В огромната градина има още изкуствено езеро с бели и черни лебеди, малко копие на Фонтана ди Треви, църква и изба. Мястото пресъздава духа на замъците от едно време. 

Много се радвам, че успях да посетя замъка и се надявам в близкото бъдеще да го направя отново. А Вие посещавали ли сте го? Какво мислите за него?

Може още да ви хареса


  1. What a lovely introduction to Ravadinovo Castle. No matter wha castles always seem to inspire fairy tale fantasies don't they. Your pictures are fantastic and the grounds look as cool as the castle itself. Love the photo of you and your sister relaxing like you're the mistresses of the place :) Happy weekend Sany!

    1. Yes, indeed castles always seem to inspire fairy tale fantasies, Rowena. Thank you! :)

  2. Ау, защо не ни каза за този замък по-рано. Под твое влияние, ние успяхме да направим една кратка разходка през Созопол по-предния уикенд, но за този замък не знаехме. Следващия път, явно... :)

    1. Ех, съжалявам! Аз също не го бях посещавала, само бях чувала за него, иначе щях да го включа в поста за Созопол и местата, които препоръчвам. А Вие доволни ли сте от препоръките? :))

  3. Oh wow, I thought this was an old castle that was given a makeover but it's surprising to learn that it's actually newly built to look like the ancient castles. What a unique idea and makes a great visit too. I can imagine having people dressed up in old gears make the whole experience more believable.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  4. Hello Stanislava,
    Really beautiful place you re taking us to visit!This castle is so lovely!
    Thnks for sharing, really enjoyed reading the post!

  5. Amazing photos dear!

    I just opened my blog, hope you like it

  6. You'd never know that it was newly built, it's so atmospheric! Love the peacock shot too

  7. This place is wonderful...a bit misterious too...Hope you spent a nice time there!

  8. Анонимен14/8/16

    Very beautiful place. The overall picture you like queens.

  9. Анонимен14/8/16

    I would never have guessed that the castle is as 'young'. Very nice and interesting place indeed; would be fascinated by it as well. Also love the pic of the two of you sitting in the chairs - so cool! xo

  10. When I was younger I used to visit different castles all around the country on our holidays but I haven't been to one for years. Ravadinovo Castle looks stunning and I hope they manage to pull the funds together to finish it soon :) x

  11. Wow, this does look straight out of a fairytale! What a beautiful place. I love all the ivy growing there and the peacocks.
    Christina ♥ https://caliope-couture.com

  12. Stanislava, these images are really brilliant! Awesome! Such a beautiful place - I have to visit one day :)

  13. I can see you already found your own "fairy tale" ;) Omg! What can I say? That place looks so beautiful and magical that it almost doesn't seem real! I was surprised when I read that it was so young, probably because nobody builds castles anymore. I hope it will be finished soon and I also hope I'll visit it one day. The last photo is my favorite and the one with your faces and little girl is the cutest photo I've seen lately :)

    1. Most people can't believe it's so young, and probably that is the reason indeed. I am sure you would enjoy this place, Tijana! The photo with the little girl was taken spontaneously, but it turned out cool :)
