Какво обичам в Италия

Това е последният пост, в който пиша за екскурзията си до Рим. Италия е място, което определено трябва да се посети поне веднъж. Още ми се върти в главата хрупкавото тесто на пицата, безпогрешната паста, новата ми любима напита Spritz Aperol, която е супер подходяща за идното лято, павираните улички, историята зад всеки ъгъл, готините хора, любезните сервитьори и изкушаващото джелато. Италия се отличава с една специфична черта, която човек няма как да сбърка, но в същото време всеки град притежава неповторима атмосфера. Посещавала съм различни градове и навсякъде се усеща по различен начин. Въпреки това бих се върнала отново с удоволствие.

Може още да ви хареса


  1. So much to love about Italy!

    Happy Friday babe! Kisses,

  2. Italy has long been on my travel wish list and just reading of your adventures there makes me want to visit all the more. Maybe it will be the destination for our fall vacation this year. I love your travel posts Sany! Happy weekend!

  3. What a lovely take away from your time spent in Italy. I've not been yet surprisingly, so I would say Venice or Florence since my family said they loved it in those cities most when they visited. Thanks for sharing.
    Garden Glow

  4. Hello Sany! I really hope u can come back to ITaly soon but this time u have to visit me, Im sure we will do lots of laughter and beers!:P Btw, your photos are enchanting and dreamy, actually made me want to visit Rome again in the future. Yes, Aperol Spritz is perfect for summer, love it! Happy Weekend Sany, kisses! xo

  5. It's true that every city in Italy feels very distinct. Glad to see you had an Aperol Spritz!

  6. Italy has long been in my travel wish list. I had Italians colleagues before and they always share the amazing stories of places, food and cultures. You did a beautiful country justice with your stunning photography.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  7. Анонимен16/4/16

    I would say that my favourite city is Milan; not for the history or architecture but for the vibe. And love the way people dress there. The photos of the pizza and the pasta look delicious - can't wait to be back in Italy very soon!

  8. Анонимен16/4/16

    So far I've only visited Rome. And I would be back there in - on.

  9. What a beautiful way to end this Italy series :) I enjoyed every single one and you really made me miss Italy and Rome especially. Rome is my favorite definitely. I've been also in Venice, Florence, Pisa, Bari and Sardinia, but Rome is Rome ;) They'll all so different and there's always more to discover. That's why Italy is always a great idea :)
    Enjoy the weekend! <3

  10. You know, first of all thank you for this wonderful trip in Roma and taking us with you.
    Can t really answer which is my favourite Italian city, because I ve only been to Roma but I love all the country , love their foods, love the landcape and the cities..love everything about Italy!
    Have a nice weekend!

  11. Totally love all the photos of your Rome travel. Every corner are so pretty and amazing... I wish I could visit Rome soon and try the things you shared..^^


  12. Italy is such a wonderful place filled with history, culture, & the most amazing food ever. :]

    // ▲ itsCarmen.com ▲

  13. Hello Sany! :) Can't agree with you more - each of Italian city is different and special, personally I also love Italy, Italian cuisine, wine, amount of monuments and atmosphere :) When it comes to my favourite city, I'd say that Rome and little, independent country - San Marino - are my favourite ones :) But I dream to visit Cinque Terre, so I'm sure when I'll accomplish this plan, I'll add this beautiful region to my list as well ;) You took stunning photos, my dear friend, I'm impressed! :)


  14. Много красиви снимки, които така добре показват атмосферата на всяко кътче :)

    Аз само Милано съм посещавала, но трябва да кажа, че никак не ми хареса - задръстен от коли, мръсен и прашен град... явно не е моето място.
    Бих искала да посетя други места из Италия, преди да се настроя негативно обаче.
