Роженският манастир

Роженският манастир е един от няколкото запазени средновековни манастири в България. Разположен само на 5км от най-малкия български град Мелник, точното възникване на манастира не е засвидетелствано, но според летописите е създаден още през 890 година.  

Роженският манастир е известен със своите иконостаси и невероятно красиви стенописи. Манастирът има неправилна шестоъгълна форма, като жилищните сгради обграждат красив двор, в средата на който е разположена манастирската църква. 

Манастирът претърпява пожар през втората половина на 17 век, който опустошава манастирския архив и нанася сериозни поражения върху сградите. През следващия век е реставриран с финансовата помощ на заможни българи от цялата страна.

От манастира се разкрива невероятна панорамна гледка към Мелнишките пирамиди.

Може още да ви хареса


  1. Hello Sany! Nope, never visited a monastery like this before but Id really like now. The architecture is outstanding but what I love most is the peaceful and quiet atmosphere that there is. Amazing pics indeed! Have a nice week Sany, big kisses! xo

  2. What an interesting place to visit. I've only visited a couple of monasteries before in Austria, and California. I am always interested in the history about each one. Great captures of the area Stanislava.
    + Style + Giveaway

  3. I can almost feel the peace and quite of the monastery and surroundings. The photos are so relaxing and once again I'm surprised by the beauty of your country :)

  4. I've never visited a monastery before but I imagine it would be a very unique and cool experience. It's a shame that this one was partially destroyed by that fire but it certainly looks and sounds like they did a good job with restoring it. Have a great week Sany!

  5. Анонимен7/3/16

    I have visited a few monasteries in Luxembourg and when travelling. This one looks very quiet and very well maintained. It must be nice when there aren't crowds of tourist invading the place.

  6. Анонимен7/3/16

    I have not been there very But I heard about it.

  7. Loving the photos! Looks like a peaceful place to visit!
    Dora www.BangsBang.com

  8. Hello Sany! :) This monastery looks really impressive and to be honest, I don't remember if I visited similar to this one, but I remember that I was amazed of monastery in Assisi,in Italy, it's also very old and the view from it was breathtaking :) What about this place, I really like your photos, it's great to get to know something about great places to visit in your country, dear friend :)


  9. Oh wow S! What a gorgeous place. I've actually visited a few in Portugal and Spain when I was younger and we'd go there for the summer. That's pretty much all we used to go sightseeing for. Monasteries and churches. They don't really excite me anymore which is a shame because they are super steeped in history. I have to admit the Rozhen is rather different to what I've come accustomed to seeing. I'm used to cold, stone monsters on high ground, not quaint wooden buildings. I actually wouldn't mind seeing this one day.


  10. Много хубави снимки. Не съм била в този манастир все още, но изглежда много спретнато и спокойно местенце :)

  11. A peaceful atmosphere which I love, even I didn't see any bulgarian monastery, but I would like to, I did some from my country and every time I enjoy.
