Германката край Созопол

Здравейте! Вече е 2ри септември и лятото почти си отиде, колко тъжно! Иска ми се да върна времето назад и да е началото на юни, когато всичко мирише на липа и горещите месеци тепърва предстоят.  

За щастие времето все още е лятно и съм щастлива, че имах възможност да изкарам 3 дни на любимия си плаж Смокиня.

Споделям с Вас снимки от една много красива местност - Германката, където опасни скали и море се срещат и където можете да наблюдавате залеза, както направихме ние. Легендата разказва, че на тези скали е седяла германка, която е намерила кончината си, като е била повлечена от голяма вълна. 

А Вие чували ли сте за тази местност? Ако не сте ходили, препоръчвам да отидете и да я видите. Гледката е много красива. Хубав ден! 

Може още да ви хареса


  1. Миналата година намерихме това местенце, търсейки едно друго :) Много е хубаво, наистина!

  2. Ah it looks so peaceful their! I love the scenery I don't think I would want to leave this place. Glad to hear you are still enjoying the last bit of summer :) Also I love your dress x


  3. Hello Sany! I know what you mean, wish I could rewind the time as well :/ Lets enjoy the heat till it lasts. This place is marvelous and so are your photos, the story behind the location is pretty sad though. You look awesome! Many kisses! xo

  4. Have you been doing a beach hop in August Stanislava? I'm honestly quite envious of all the gorgeous beach views but at least you're sharing them with us :) I can see why this one is your favorite. It sure is beautifully serene! And the story behind the rock is really interesting but I hope it'd not true since it's sad. I really wish we could backtrack to the beginning of summer and do it again as well. At least it's also still quite hot in NYC and I'm not complaining cause soon enough it will be cold and snowy again.

    Thanks for dropping by and catching up with me lovely! I like how you describe Sofia and I think I would agree based on what you've shared of it on your blog. Yes you should totally get yourself a stripe tee. You will wear it all the time ;)

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  5. Oh, the story of German Girl is so sad, personally I haven't heard about this place before. But btw, you took beautiful photos, there is something emotional in them (maybe thanks to the story of this destination...? :) ). What's more, you was very lucky that you spent few days near seaside, do you live near sea? I hope that you're having great day and even better week (luckily, the weekend is so closer:D) ;)


    1. Hi Ivonne! Thanks for your comment! No, I don't live by the seaside. I live in Sofia (the capital of Bulgaria), but the good thing is that it's only 4 hours away from it.

  6. Such lovely photos, and what an interesting story about how the name Germankata came to be. You look very pretty too!
    XO Amanda | Sans Scrubs

  7. Анонимен3/9/15

    I had never heard of this place, so thanks for introducing it. It must be so great to see the sunset as you did when you were there.

  8. Great pictures!Thank you for this sahring this wonderful post, always a pleasure to read your posts.

  9. What a gorgeous place and yet a pretty macabre story behind its name! I hope it didn't actually happen in real life, then again if it's notorious then one death is probably not a realistic number either!


  10. What a beautiful and serene looking environment, but I do hope the story is a myth, otherwise how sad is that? Marvellous photos Stanislava and thanks for sharing. You look lovely as well. <3 Have a great weekend dear./Madison
    Cast-Iron Cooking

  11. За пръв път чувам за тази местност! Много интересно място, обожавам гледки от скали.

  12. Този пост съм го пропуснала. Много красиви снимки :))

  13. That's a rare fine view! The outlook is simply marvelous, I can enjoy it for ages.
    I can't but pay a compliment to the photographs which you've taken. Good job, Stanislava!
