Филмов фестивал, Виена, 2014

Ако живееш във Виена, най-вероятно си чувал за известния филмов фестивал. Oткритото кино тази година се проведе в центъра на града през август. 

Посъветваха ни да отидем там, ако искаме да пробваме различни национални ястия... И разнообразиетo беше наистина голямо - от местни деликатеси, през карибска, френска, гръцка, италианска, японска, персийска до португалска кухня! 

За освежаване си взехме бяло вино шпритцер. Беше фантастично!

Изборът ми беше пиле "Тикка Масала". Не мога да повярвам, че никога преди това не съм яла индийска кухня! Страшно ми хареса!

Беше страхотно изживяване! А Вие опитвали ли сте индийска храна? Хареса ли Ви? Пожелавам Ви успешен старт на седмицата!

Може още да ви хареса


  1. Oh, love to try different kind of cuisine as well, you did so well to try Indian food, its one of my fav as well! Very savory and tasty, plus it has many good dishes even for vegetarians as me :) The photos are marvelous! Happy Monday Stanislava! xo

  2. Great to hear that you enjoyed yourself. Indian food is delicious, we used to grab a curry once a week.Have a wonderful week Stanislava!
    The African Elephant

  3. i've never had indian food! i love the idea of cultural festivals, though, that allow you to try different cuisines.

  4. To tell the truth, I had never tried Indian food, but I would love to:) Actually, I love trying out different cuisines, who doesn't?! Good for you to be there:) I must say all those photographs turned out so great, the city view are absolutely wonderful and architecture is splendid! Thanks for sharing, Stanislava!
    Wish you a great day ahead!

  5. I've heard of that film festival! Gorgeous architecture and delicious food!

  6. Amazing pics!! Hope you had fun!! kisses!


  7. Wonderful pictures, and the food looks delicious! :D

    I have a new outfit post up, let me know what you think! :)



  8. Анонимен10/9/14

    I'm opitvall Indian food

  9. Анонимен10/9/14

    As you know, I absolutely love Indian food. I am glad to read that you tried it and love it too!

  10. You know what I love? Good eats. You know what I love more? VARIETY! Caribbean to Persian? What a selection! I really love Indian cuisine. My only problem is I eat it about once per year! I have to be in a curry mood! Wonderful post.

    xoxx, Monica
    F&ML: Fashion And My Life
